Consultations and research


With the Open University designing and implementing university-wide training and guidance on how to make your research more open and how best to engage with open research mechanisms.



Some of my completed consultancies and research include…

Managing the publications for the World Food Programme. Developing new publications production procedures; designing new guidance to ensure consistent publications production throughout WFP; delivering training to regional, country and HQ offices on publications production processes and standards; managing the production of the World Food Programme’s annual reviews.

Leading UNICEF-wide consultation on benefits & risks of adopting an Open Access Policy. Writing UNICEF’s first Open Access Policy, and the associated procedures, resources and a dedicated Sharepoint site to aid policy adoption; working with the legal experts, UNICEF offices and other UN agencies to ensure smooth policy adoption.

Designing training with AuthorAID for the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Resources for PhD students on writing a thesis.

Assessing options for access to research journals, UNICEF Office of Research. Leading consultation with key staff and external stakeholders to investigate current practice, challenges and solutions to journal access (70 interviews + in-depth desk research).

Global review of UNICEF research expenditure. Investigating UNICEF’s research expenditure patterns over 4-year cycle; drafting office guidance to better document research expenditure.

Knowledge Management advisor, UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti. Drafting paper on Research Uptake; developing research uptake guidance.

Evaluation advisor, British Council, UK. Collating evidence for British Council’s corporate spending review to share with UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office; quality assurance of existing research evidence across all British Council regions; establishing a monitoring system for future evidence products with key staff in the UK and regional offices.

The Living Library project, writer-in-residence, Kirklees Library Services. A writing residency with a twist, where I lift the lid on the experiences of library members and what the library means for them. The project involved interviews with staff and library members across Kirklees Library Service. This resulted in a response to a government consultation, blogs, live readings, and interviews. Have a wee look at the outputs here.

Health reporting in The Kathmandu Post, HERD Nepal. Analysing the language used by The Kathmandu Post when reporting on health issues over 12 months. It highlights 4 themes that dominate how health is reported and recommends extending the research to encompass all English and Nepali language newspapers. It also recommends investing in training local journalists to access, check and interpret research evidence.

Researching and synthesising evidence on Patient Led Innovation, CPD4 Health Innovation, University of Leeds.

Knowledge Transfer case studies, Leeds University Business School.

Evaluating the Northern Leadership Academy coaching programme, Leeds University Business School.